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Profile of Florence's head with a peacock feather covering her eye


Writer, Curator, Producer
Contemporary Art & Performance

Black logo featuring two letter Fs, one upsidedown

Florence Fitzgerald-Allsopp is a writer, producer, and researcher in the field of contemporary art and performance. Working closely and creatively with artists and arts organisations, she has produced a diverse range of international collaborative projects across visual art and live performance. Her writing has been commissioned by artists and galleries including SLQS (UK), Elly S. Vadseth (NO), Susan Simonini (AU), Ruth Burke & Co-Prosperity (US), Frea Buckler (UK), K-Gold Temporary Gallery (GR) & Smithson Projects (UK).


She is currently undertaking a Techne funded PhD with the University of Surrey. Her research considers the ethics of interspecies practice in contemporary art and performance. She has recently published a book with Prof. Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca on Interspecies Performance – a dialogue between practice and scholarship which aims to foreground an intersectional and ethically oriented approach to human-animal collaboration in the arts.



"It’s been so brilliant to experience your tenacity, diligence, warmth and smiles. To watch you work, to work alongside you, to note your care and consideration for the artists, speakers, stewards and volunteers to whom you came into contact throughout the crazy run up and intense delivery."

Helen Cole, Artistic Director & Co-CEO, In Between Time

"Flo is thorough and positive, brings energy and commitment to a team and is able to switch between roles as an artistic leader, a dedicated supporting team member and a strong independent creative. She brings an open-minded, creative and flexible approach to her work with us, which covers a broad range of tasks including curating, programming and producing." 

Geraldine Giddings, Senior Producer, Cirque Bijou 


Homepage Image: Still from the music video for To Grab A Liar by Geraint John Jones directed by Nic Kane featuring Flo Fitzgerald-Allsopp

Project image credits: Asli Hatipoglu, Elly Vadseth, Amanda Piña, Nic Kane, Iro Vasalou, Hermione Spriggs, Smithson Projects,Cigdem Aydemir, Ellen De Bruijne Projects, Cirque Bijou, Nic Kane and Jordan Martin,

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